Good Strategies = Good Business

Welcome to Day 11 of the WinterABC!

Posting on social media is fun. From experience I posted pictures of myself just for the sake of posting because I wanted to see those likes popping but to tell the truth they were not really popping. I was in people’s faces too much and they grew tired of me. I went back to scrolling celebrity pages and started binging on different YouTube videos which in turn was a miraculous sign. Social media wasn’t too much of a headache anymore.

Today we are talking about the importance of having a good network strategy or social media strategy for your business and/or personal use.

Its good to be on different social media platforms on paper but when it comes to business its one social media platform at a time. It does not make sense to create a Facebook page when you have less engagement on your current twitter account. You are building nothing. Its important to build your engagement on your twitter account and then with time drive that traffic to your Facebook page. One thing to note when it comes to driving traffic to a different social media platform is that you need bring new content, be versatile or diverse. If you have a blog brand for example and you share your posts only on Twitter and you get a lot of traction there because of your bomb topics. When you drive traffic to other social media platforms its important to try incorporating videos to let people see the person behind the blog.

Research is that one baby we ignore when it comes to social media. As an entrepreneur you need to study different social media platforms to see where your business is likely to gain more traction. If its Instagram you need to bear in mind your appealing graphics, great photos and good short videos. If its twitter you need to be the best copywriter. The moment you invest your time feeding yourself with knowledge you are capable of giving your audience the best quality content. Moreover, in doing your research you need to also look at other people who are in the same business lane as you, what type of social media are they using and why. Some share tips and some are open to having conversations so you can strike up a conversation and learn more from them.

There is nothing more beautiful than posting content that is planned perfectly. You feel organised and too good. How do you do it? its simple, have a content calendar. Your content calendar guides you on what you should post on different days, weeks or monthly on your social media platforms. For example, if you have a women organisation its important to have a content calendar incorporating all your international campaigns such as Menstrual Hygiene day and Women’s month. As a result, your content delivery is wholesome with your mission and objectives via storytelling and the international campaigns. The content calendar also helps you to avoid being in peoples faces with irrelevant information.

Last but not least ladies and gentlemen the caption mastery. In every post we make on different social media platforms the caption is the crème da le crème. Make it count. The article or picture might be bomb but if your caption is bad it becomes poisonous. Writing a good caption is a talent that you need to master whole heartedly. If it’s a picture try to write something that depicts the picture in a good way. If it’s an article, pull out a golden statement from the article and paste it on your twitter together with the article to make people thirst for it.

In this Covid-19 era, the digital world is booming and its important for us to take our businesses into the tech world the right way. Remember with tech you learn new things almost every day.

10 Comments Add yours

  1. justynlove says:

    with tech you learn new things almost every day.

    This is so true

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes
      Thank you so much for reading


  2. conniedia says:

    We indeed keep learning new things everyday.

    Currently trying to grow my platforms those days it was all.about just posting

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yeah
      A good strategy gets you far

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I for one knows the power of click baits…. I’ve been fooled more than once😂😂….but again, a good caption will reel that audience in. Thank you for the tips…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Lol
      Thank you so much for reading


  4. The power of a great caption is underestimated. Spot on!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Being in people’s faces too much and they get tired of you. Totally get that. Social media needs a lot of seasoning – know when to bring what… Enjoyed reading this.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. True
      Thank you for reading


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