Kure Kure…


Pakanga paine tsvarakadenga yekunyika yandakazvarwa ine mapopopo anoteverwa nevazhinji verudzi rwakasiyana siyana. Pese pandaimuona pamufananidzo ndainzwa parere moyo. Kumunzwa achitaura parunhare ndaizvirova dundundu ndichiti nechemumoyo, ‘Ndazviwanira mukadzi wekuvaka musha naye’. Mazuva akawanda akapfuura ndichitarira mufananidzo wake, ndichiterera izwi rake ndiri muchando chemhiri kwekungwa ndichishuvira kuti rimwe ramazuva ndichamuona. Vakuru vakati chisingaperi chinoshura, mudiwa wangu akatanga kundiimbira nziyo achindiratidza kutambudzika kwemoyo wake. Akashaura achiti:

Nechirimo wakandivimbisa kuti tichagara tese
Zuva racho ratondinonokera
Kuti tigare tese
Ini ndakaramba ndakabatira ndichiti:
Ruva rangu ndiwe chete
Ndiwe muridzi wemoyo wangu
Akazvigamuchira kwechinguvana, asi mutauro wevakuru wakazadzikiswa. Moyo wangu wakaramba kuzvitenda, ndichitarira mifananidzo nekunzwa izwi rake mupfungwa mangu ndichiti nechemumoyo, ‘One day is one day’.

Long distance relationships have forever proven the importance of their existence for the longest time. Some have made it the norm to date someone or have a relationship with someone who is far away so that they have more room for themselves which is the same as being single. Not forgetting the core of long-distance relationships that is the ever-reigning statements such as, ‘I wish you were here with me’. these are the go-to punchlines of long-distance relationships.

The distance between these relationships is not always about one person is in Zimbabwe and the other one is in Dubai, sometimes its local.

Let me give an overview of why these types of relationships work and why they don’t work from experience and what I heard from other people.

The major component for the success of a long-distance relationship is commitment. The funny thing is long distance relationships have honeymoon phases whereby you are playing hard to get and making the man/woman work for your affection. You are committing to getting to know him/her better in terms of likes, dislikes, culture, daily life, intentions via social media platforms. If you pass the stage you really love this man/woman because it tends to get boring to type messages to a person you have not met physically. The moment you commit to this phase you will be ready to have a taste of each other’s cultures for a weekend and possibly meet each other’s families physically. I would call this phase the adventurous part of being in a long-distance relationship. And of course, after that wedding bells are guaranteed because there is no question about commitment unless if your family was unwelcoming that can be a red flag.

The journey of loving someone from a different country can be mental and really shady. From my personal experience it was a mixture of both, I was left a lot of questions more than answers in every conversation that we had online. The most mental part was when he just went silent for close to a month, a lot of things went through my mind and him resurfacing telling me that he was robbed and nearly died was just the icing on the cake. Long story short. So, the major reason why these relationships don’t work is because of the lies, lack of commitment and empty promises. When it comes to these long-distance relationships you need to be a man/woman of action to make it last, if its off the table then you are wasting each other’s time.

It turned out to be a long article!
Feel free to comment your experiences or thoughts on long distance relationships so that we can keep sipping this coffee.

6 Comments Add yours

  1. NASHE says:

    Asi matumwa kuti munyore nezvangu nhai ?.. kubva matozoti Nemo Nemo – heee umwe kuDubai umwe kuZimbabwe mukati hamudenhi here imimi hahaha..
    Truth is long distance relationships crazy hard but my heart is a foolish goat – it wants what it wants..
    PS : I wish you were here 😂🤦🏾‍♂️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂
      Ha uri wangu
      Ndati tibatsirane

      Liked by 1 person

  2. musanjufu benjamin kavubu says:

    I am rigid on this, they can never work

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Its a lot!
      The commitment is a stretch

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Gypsy says:

    You actually captured the pros and cons beautifully.
    From experience, if two people are really into each other, committed and active…. LDR can be very sweet 😋❤
    Yeah, it takes deliberateness and strength. But it can also quicky separate the wheat from the chaff.


    1. Thank you
      It can beautiful
      The effort is extraordinary

      Liked by 1 person

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